
According to Article 18 of the BPSF Bylaws:

Founding Decision:

The BPSF General Committee met in Besharreh on August 8, 2010 and decided the following:

  1. To create a new BPSF Chapter in Australia.
  2. To assign Mr. John Romanous to chair the new Chapter.
  3. The new Chapter shall be founded and registered in Australia, to operate legally as a Not-for-profit Organization.
  4. The new Chapter Bylaws and Procedures shall mirror the Bylaws and Procedures of the BPSF. Specific Procedures items may be added to cater for specific condition in Australia. All the amendments and additions to the Procedures shall be coordinated with the BPSF Chairman of the Board.
  5. The new Chapter is an independently functioning unit of the Foundation, with privileges and responsibilities that are determined by the BPSF Administrative Committee.
  6. The new BPSF Australia Chapter Chairman shall form, in coordination with the BPSF Chairman of the Board, an Administrative Founding Committee of seven devoted ambitious members. This Committee shall convene regularly to follow all the new Chapter issues and activities, and to recruit new members to the General Committee.
  7. The new Chapter serves as a conduit for information about BPSF.
  8. The new Chapter is an extension of BPSF and its vision. Therefore its leaders should be aware of, and act in accordance with, the mission of the Foundation.
  9. The new Chapter shall sustain BPSF’s financial integrity to achieve and fulfill its mission.

BPSF Australia Chapter Bylaws:

The Chapter was founded, and members of the Administrative Committee were recruited. Meetings are being held to review and amend the bylaws to suit the requirements in Australia. 

Also, the new committee is making the needed arrangements to register the Chapter in Australia, to operate legally as a Not-for-profit Organization.

The Administrative Board has the right to establish new BPSF Chapters all over the world and to assign a Chairman for each Chapter.

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