Regulations of Bishop Philippe Shebaya Foundation (BPSF)

Amended by the Administrative Board on April 2015

General Assembly:

Formed of all effective members of the Foundation.

The General Assembly holds its regular meetings once a year. 

The Chairman, the Administrative Board or 1/3 of the members of the General Assembly have the right to call for an un-expected meeting.

The authority of the General Assembly:

  1. To elect the Administrative Board by a secret ballot.
  2. To reach the Administrative Board's reports and to discuss the accomplished projects and the future programs
  3. To give suggestions and recommendations to the Administrative Board.
  4. To discuss the budget of the Foundation and to present, at the end of every fiscal year, the annual balance sheet
  5. To amend the bylaws of the Foundation

The Administrative Board:

Formed of seven members that the General Assembly elects by a secret ballot.

To be elected, a candidate must receive a majority vote of the voting membership of the General Assemblyand who attend the session.

The elections:

  1. The maximum duration of the elected members of the Administrative Board is four years.
  2. The Administrative Board should fix the date of the election of a new Board at least a month before the end of its mandate.
  3. As soon as the counting of votes ends, the election results are announced and the member who obtains the highest number of votes will be declared as a winner.
  4. If two members or more get the same number of votes, the member who first became affiliated to the Foundation wins. If the dates of their affiliation are also the same, the older member wins.

The Administrative Board distributes in the locals of the Foundations, a month before the elections, a list under the names of the electors.

Modifications are accepted until the last week before the elections' date then the list becomes final.

The candidacy demand is presented to the Administrative Board that examines if all the required conditions are verified and distributes a list under the names of the candidates accepted ten days before the elections. 

Modifications are accepted until the last week before the elections' date then the list becomes final.

If one or more posts become vacant, it is acceptable to elect members from the Administrative Board to carry out these missions.

The Administrative Board is dissolved if it loses four of its members.

The General Assembly is called to elect a new Administrative Board during the first month following the dissolution.

The meetings:

The Administrative Board holds its meetings monthly.  The Chairman of the Board can call for an un-expected meeting to discuss special matters.

Adopted by the General Assembly on May 31, 2015

Conditions to be met for meetings:

The meeting of the Administrative Board will be held if more than half of the Board's members attend it,

The meeting starts with a small prayer and then by reading the minutes of the previous meeting in order to approve it,

Decisions are taken if accepted by the majority. In case of equality in votes, the Chairman has the right to decide.


A- Chairman of the Board:

  1. To head the Foundation's General Assembly,
  2. To head the meetings of both the General Assembly and the Administrative Board and to supervise the work of the commissions,
  3. To sign all monetary transactions interpedently with the Treasurer,
  4. To call for un-expected meetings for both the General Assembly and the Administrative Board.
  5. To oversee the activities and the operation of the different BPSF’s Chapters all over the world, in coordination with the different Chairmen.
  6. To nominate a Counselor in coordination with the Board.

B- The Vice-Chairman for Planning:

  1. To chair the meetings of both the General Assembly and the Administrative Board and to handle the duties of the Chairman during his absence.
  2. To assist the Chairman in proposing the yearly BPSF strategy and plan of actions for the approval and adoption of the Board.
  3. To put strategies for fund raising.

C- The Resource Development Officer:

Assist the Chairman in:

  1. Preparing and/or revising all the writing related to development functions including but not limited to fund-raising proposals, agreements with prospects, thank you and stewardship letters.
  2. Identifying prospects whether individuals or groups, and composes in-depth library and electronic research on them.
  3. Developing detailed research profiles, prospects lists, briefings and gift histories.
  4. Preparing Feasibility Studies for small projects, and follow them up with funding organizations.

D- The Marketing and Public Relations Officer:

Assist the Chairman in:

  1. Building and enhancing the image and reputation of BPSF as it fulfills its mission and vision.
  2. Developing and maintaining relationships between BPSF and its key constituencies, including corporations, foundations, and others who share its values.
  3. Managing the BPSF’s communications output and communicating with outside media agencies.

E- The Hospitality and Event Planning Officer:

Assist the Chairman in:
  1. Coordinating events' logistics and welcoming guests as per protocols.
  2. Coordinating and calling for offers for event holding, from hotels, restaurants... while adhering to the agreed upon budget.
  3. Organizing all the BPSF's activities and events.

F- Secretary General:

  1. To write and organize the records of the meetings and the decisions of both the General Assembly and the Administrative Board.
  2. To receive calls and answer them back according to the Chairman's decisions and recommendations.
  3. To send to the concerned parties the Foundation's invitations and provisions.
  4. To handle the duties of the Treasurer during his absence.

G- Treasurer:

  1. To be responsible for the assets, the properties and the financial status of the Foundation.
  2. To receive the members’ quotas.
  3. To be a permanent member in the Financial Commission.
  4. To receive and archive all the bills, funds and transactions.
  5. To submit to the Administrative Board a report regarding the financial record of the year.

H- The General Counselor:

The General Counselor is not considered as a Board member, but may be asked to attend meetings when needed.

The Counselor shall assist the Chairman in:

  1. Setting the BPSF’s spiritual guidelines.
  2. Suggesting spiritual conferences and events.
  3. Supporting the implementation of all direct spiritual activities of the Foundation with a special emphasis on counseling.


  1. According to its domain, each commission prepares a study of the projects it undertakes or is charged with and works for their implementation after the approval of the Administrative Board.
  2. Each commission has a Chairman and a reporter.
  3. The membership of these commissions is open to all the working members who can be part of more than on a commission.
  4. The Administrative Board appoints the members of the commissions from the members of the General Assembly and elects a Chairman and a reporter.
  5. The Chairman of the Foundation can call for a meeting for all members of the commissions or for members of each commission separately.
  6. Sub-commissions are formed when necessary and dissolved after the accomplishment of the missions they have been charged with.

The financial status:
Each affiliated member should pay L.L. Two Hundred and Forty Thousand annually as an affiliation fee.

This amount can be paid in installments if the Administrative Board decides so.

Spending amounts:

No amount of money is spent without the approval of the Administrative Board. 

Yet, the Chairman of the Foundation has the right to spend an amount not to exceed L.L. Five Hundred Thousand for any BPSF particular project or activity without taking this approval under the condition of indicating this amount in the sheet of the annual expenditures and informing the Administrative Board during the first next meeting it holds.

Necessity to install amounts in banks:

Each amount of the Foundation's money that exceeds L.L. Five Hundred Thousand is put in a bank that the Administrative Board selects.


If any member commits a moral or financial prejudice against the Foundation or exceeds the limit of his authorities, the Administrative Commission has the right to send him to a council of discipline formed of members of the commission that examines the accusation, selects the adequate sanction and submits a proposal to the Administrative Board. 

The Board will take the final decision that shall not be approved unless two-third of the members approve it. 

In a period of two weeks after being notified, the member concerned has the right to refuse his sanction and discuss it with the General Assembly.


  1. Is considered resigned each member who loses one of the affiliation's conditions, who doesn't attend four consecutive meetings of the General Assembly and without having a legitimate excuse or who does not pay his affiliation fees even a month after receiving a written warning.  These regulations are applied to all the members including members of the Administrative Board.
  2. Is considered resigned from the Administrative Board each member who doesn't attend three meetings of the same committee consecutively.  He shall receive a written warning.
  3. Each member of the Administrative Board can resign from the Board or from the commission/s he is part of by sending a resignation letter.  The Board who receives this letter shall either accept it or refuse it during the next fifteen days.  If no reaction is expressed, the Board is considered having accepted the resignation.  Yet, the concerned member shall not lose his membership in the General Assembly unless this wish is clearly expressed in his resignation letter.

Amending the Regulations:

Either the Administrative Board or 20% of the members of the General Assembly can propose the amendment of this law that shall not be enforced unless two-third of the members of the General Assembly approve it.

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